10 years of the Physics arXiv Blog: 2016

The Physics arXiv Blog is 10 years old and we’re celebrating by publishing links to the top stories from each year of its existence.
Today, 2010.

The Physics arXiv Blog is 10 years old and we’re celebrating by publishing links to the top stories from each year of its existence.

Today, 2016.

Data Mining Reveals the Four Urban Conditions That Create Vibrant City Life

Deep Neural Network Learns to Judge Books by Their Covers
How an Algorithm Learned to Identify Depressed Individuals by Studying Their Instagram Photos

How Data Mining Reveals the World’s Healthiest Cuisines

How Tinder “Feedback Loop” Forces Men and Women into Extreme Strategies
How Vector Space Mathematics Reveals the Hidden Sexism in Language

Neural Network Learns to Identify Criminals by Their Faces

Physicists Create World’s First Time Crystal
The Curious Link Between the Fly-By Anomaly and the “Impossible” EmDrive Thruster

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