10 years of the Physics arXiv Blog: 2017

The Physics arXiv Blog is 10 years old and we’re celebrating by publishing links to the top stories from each year of its existence.
Today, 2010.

The Physics arXiv Blog is 10 years old and we’re celebrating by publishing links to the top stories from each year of its existence.

Today, last but not least, 2017.

First Object Teleported from Earth to Orbit
Mathematical Model Reveals the Patterns of How Innovations Arise
Experts Predict When Artificial Intelligence Will Exceed Human Performance
Mind-Reading Algorithms Reconstruct What You’re Seeing Using Brain-Scan Data
First Quantum-Secured Blockchain Technology Tested in Moscow

The Truth about China’s Cash-for-Publication Policy

The Cryptocurrency Market Is Growing Exponentially
The Trillion Internet Observations Showing How Global Sleep Patterns Are Changing

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