Clusters ‘n’ crowds

The best of the rest from the physcis arxiv this week:

Is Science Nearing Its Limits?

A Homage to E.C.G.Sudarshan: Superluminal Objects and Waves

Combustion of Biomass as a Global Carbon Sink

Transcriptional Bursts: a Unified Model of Machines and Mechanisms

Quark-Gluon Plasma: Present and Future

On the Phenomenon of Emergent Spacetimes: An Instruction Guide for Experimental Cosmology

2 Responses to “Clusters ‘n’ crowds”

  1. Zephir says:

    The science is not near its limit, its just limiting its formal paradigm approach, based on consecutive logic of formal equations. We can expect, the understanding of future will be heavily holistic and parallelized on behalf of classical paradigms, the multi-particle Aether concept and inertial chaos emergence in particular.

  2. Zephir says:

    As we know, the objects inside of black hole appears to move quite slowly from outer perspective. The relevancy of tachyon objects is easy to realize, if we switch the position and if we imagine, we are sitting inside of black hole and observing the Universe from inside.

    The light speed invariance would remain valid locally, but we can see, the objects outside of black hole can move a much faster, because of lower density of the outer environment.

    The whole concept is symmetric with respect of time dimensions, so we can perceive the energy spreading by superluminal speed, thus violating the light wave mediated causality even for so called quantum scale.

    By another words, the Universe appears tachyonic and indeterministic both in cosmological scale, both in quantum scale, because we are observing the reality as a deterministic islands inside of ocean of infinite chaos. And the tachyonic models are simply those extrapolated from outside perspective of such view.

    The outside view appears more general, but we should realize, it’s principally untestable for us, because we can never reach outer perspective and to see itself “from outside”. We can just extrapolate such view from many local outer perspective. Therefore the tachyonic view of Universe is “more general”, but “less scientific” at the price with respect of Popper methodology, which is based on testability of scientific models.